DCA - Specialist FAQs

This article serves as a collection of frequently asked questions specifically for DCA Specialists. Should your question not be answered here, please send an email to diagnostics@doctorcareanywhere.com for assistance.

Accessing Study:

If you have received an email with a link to access a study, you can register with Cimar and access the study to either view or share the imaging on to a specialist.

It's very important that you register (or log in) with the same email address as the one you received the link to. This is how the system recognises you, so simply clicking the link and signing up with any email is not enough.

If it's the first time you're using the Cimar cloud, you will need to register using this form:

Once your user has been created, you will be able to see the study shared to you, and on future shares you can simply login and see them all:

Sharing a study via the Cloud is as simple as ticking the relevant tick box(es) and clicking "Share":

This will bring up a window in which you can enter the email address of the specialist whom you wish to share the study with:

Once "Share Studies" is clicked, the email address you entered will receive a link to register in the same format as the first one you received. The specialist can now follow the same registration steps above to access the study.

If the specialist requires further DCA access, please contact  Diagnostics@doctorcareanywhere.com for assistance.

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