DCA - Imaging Provider FAQs

This article serves as a collection of frequently asked questions specifically for DCA Imaging Providers. Should your question not be answered here, please send an email to diagnostics@doctorcareanywhere.com for assistance.

I don't have a DCA Account:

Please email diagnostics@doctorcareanywhere.com with your information to request access.

I can't upload studies:

If the "Add study" button is greyed out and you can't upload studies it's because the active worklist is DCA's main organization worklist and not the worklist you have access to:

To fix this, simply click the dropdown as shown above and choose the site you want to upload to.

If you're in the right worklist, the upload button will change to a brighter blue and say "Upload Studies":

See this guide on uploading with the Cimar web uploader for more info

How to Approve a study:

To approve a study in Cimar, direct to "Activities" in the top menu and click "Studies" on the left.

This will display an overview of studies awaiting approval where you can approve or reject with the buttons on the right hand side of each study as well as editing them:

Before approving a study the correct DCA number must be added to it. This can be done by clicking "Edit" and filling in the relevant fields.

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