Change Your Notifications

Various actions and events in a Cimar account may trigger a notification to be sent to your email. You can update and change which notifications you receive by simply clicking a checkbox. 

Access Notification Settings:

To access the notification settings, click your name in the top right corner to open the profile settings and then click "Notifications" in the new menu.

Update Notification Settings:

To change notification settings you can either update individual check boxes or turn on a specific type of notification for all organisations/worklists by using the top row tick boxes as highlighted in the screenshot below.

Once you have selected the wanted the notifications, simply click "Save" and the new settings will be automatically updated in the system.

Notification Details:

The rows on the left, with the workspace names, determines where the notifications are active. The columns along the top determine the type of action that triggers a notification.

On Share:

Notification when study is shared to selected worklist

Approval Request:

Admin notification when study needs approval

On Upload:

Notification when study is uploaded via web uploader

On Harvest:

Notification when study is uploaded via gateway

On Upload Fail:

Notification when study uploads fails (All upload types)

Report Attached:

Notification when a report is attached to study

Link Used:

Notification when any invite or share link is used

My Link Used:

Notification when invite or share link is clicked (when link was sent by you)

Study Status Change:

Notification when study stage is changed (Typically a dropdown on the left of the study)

Thin Study Success:

Notification when thin study created

Thin Study Fail:

Notification when thin study failed to create

Message Received:

Notification when a message is received either directly or to the worklist

Study Comment Received:

Notification when someone comments on a study

Study Request Received:

Notification when someone requests to view a study

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