Save and Load Advanced Search

The advanced search menu can be used to find individual studies e.g Accession Number "X12345" or filter a worklist based on a combination of parameters e.g "MRIs uploaded within the last 7 days with a study stage of unreported"

Using the steps below, a user can save this worklist search filter and then easily access this each time they subsequently login. 

Quick Search

You can quickly filter a work list by a patient's name, MRN or accession number by clicking their value (as highlighted with the coloured text).

Opening Advanced Search

When opening the worklist the default option is to search by patient name. Below the search button is an "advanced" dropdown button. If you click this you will see the full advanced search options with all default fields and custom fields.

By default all search terms are blank but you can fill in as many search terms as you wish for filtering the worklist.

In this example we have set the "Study Stage" to Unreported and the "Modality" to only include CT scans.

To save these parameters to a single-click future search, click "Save" on the right side.

Once you click "Save" you will be shown a small pop up where you should enter the name of the new search function. Here you can also choose if this should be shared with other users.

Once you click the "Save" button at the bottom of the pop up, the advanced search will be saved.

Load Saved Search

To use a previously saved study you can click the "saved search" dropdown below the buttons on the right side of the advanced search tab. Here you will get an option to choose from the saved searches.

Once you click the selected search, all the saved fields will be automatically filled in.

Cimar allows each user to save more than one advanced search filter. By following the steps above you can add as many filters as you wish to make your daily work easier by automating study search.

Saved Search as a Worklist

Saved searches can also be added to the worklist dropdown. When clicking "Save" there are a few optional tick boxes to choose from. If "Share with Account" is ticked then the saved search will appear at the bottom of the worklist dropdown.

Setting a Saved Search as Default Worklist

With Cimar it's even possible to have a saved search as the default worklist.

Navigate to the personal settings by clicking your name in the top right corner and select "Defaults".

Here there are three inputs to fill in.

First select the organisation where the search is relevant. Secondly choose "Studies" as the Default View and finally choose the saved search as the default list.

Once these settings are chosen click "Save Settings..."

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