Managing Your Users' Details

This guide aims to cover the basics of managing your users on the Cimar platform.

Accessing Users List:

Log in to Cimar and direct to "Administration" via the top menu and click "Users" on the left-hand side.

All users for the organisation will now show in a list with a summary of their main details.

Accessing User's Details:

Accessing individual user details can be done by finding the user in the list and clicking "Edit" on the right-hand side.

This will bring up the individual user's details which can now be easily edited by the admin.

Understanding User Settings:

  • First Name:
    • The user's given name(s)
  • Last Name:
    • The user's family name
  • Mobile Phone (Optional):
    • User's phone number
  • Role:
  • Organisation Login, Email & Alias (Optional):
    • Extra fields to help manage user's details. The email can be used to log in to Cimar and all three values will be displayed on the user list page
  • User can manage multiple organisations:
    • Tick box for advanced setting if the user is an admin across multiple organisations.
  • Make this user a member of all locations and groups in the organisation:
    • Tick box to allow user access to all sites connected to the organisation.
    • Once ticked, a new option will appear called "Use group/location default role (if set)".
    • If this second box is ticked, the default role from the group/location will be used (See other article on managing roles for more info).
    • If this second box is left unchecked, the "Set role" dropdown will appear where a default role can be chosen for the user in all locations/groups. This is a useful option if the user has a higher role permission on the organisation level, but should only have viewing access in all the subgroups.
  • Remove this user from all locations and groups in the organisation:
    • Tick box to quickly remove access to all locations/groups for the user. Ticking this box and saving will remove the user's access from all locations/groups. They can still log in, but access will be very limited.
  • Locations/Groups dropdowns:
    • These can be used to individually add access to specific sites within the organisation and attach a specific role to the user within that location/group.
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