How to Bulk Create Dictionary Entries

If you need to create a lot of entries for a particular dictionary it may prove easier and faster to create a CSV file of the entries you want to make and then use that CSV file to generate the entries in the dictionary.

A bulk entry can be created by clicking the Bulk Entry button in the UI.

The Bulk entry modal will appear with the following fields:

  1. Job Number (Required)
    1. The job number can be anything and is only used for auditing purposes
  2. CSV Data
    1. A text field where you can paste in the CSV data
  3. Pull from URL
    1. If the CSV data is hosted online you can alternatively enter the URL to pull the data from
  4. Authentication
    1. If any authentication is required to pull the data from a URL then this can be entered here.

The simplest option is to paste in the CSV data directly.

The CSV data needs to be constructed with a header row followed by the data. The header row must contain a column for each of the lookup and replace fields of the dictionary.

The order of the columns doesn’t matter however, if a study field is in the lookup and the replace then the replace column header must be prefixed with -replace.


If you want to lookup the patient id and replace the patient id then the header row would look like:



CSV data structure will be processed one row at a time. The first row must contain the field names and the other rows must contain the data. The fields should be as follows.

- A field for each field in the dictionary lookup and replace expressions.
- An optional field called "delete". If this field has a value of 1 the dictionary entry will be deleted.
- An optional field called "regexp". If this field has a non-zero value the entry will be treated as a regexp type of entry.
- If the same field is used in both the lookup and the replace expression and has a different value in the replace expression then a separate field called FIELD_NAME-replace should exists. e.g. study_description-replace
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