How to create a routing rule

Automating the flow of a study through an account is typically handled by creating routing rules. A routing rule is triggered by certain events and if it’s conditions are met, it will perform a defined list of actions. A routing rule may be as simple as when a study is uploaded share it "here" or it may be as complex as when a study is uploaded through a gateway and it’s source AETitle equals XYZ and, etc, etc then fire a webhook to update the study's description, then share the study with another account. The possibilities are really quite endless and many of your image transfer problems will be solved.


How to create a new routing rule

  1. Go to the Administration page
  2. Go to the Routing rules tab
  3. Click the New Routing Rule button
  4. Give the routing rule a logical name
  5. Select which namespace(s) you want the routing rule to be triggered in
  6. Select how you want the routing rule to be triggered - see below for further explanation on each trigger
  7. Optional - add any conditions that must be met before the routing rules performs it’s actions. Each condition MUST pass for the routing rule to trigger
  8. Optional - Specify a time that the routing rule works in (this can be left as the default in most cases)
  9. Optional - Add a delay to when the action is performed
  10. Add the action(s) that routing rule will perform

Routing Rule Triggers

Routing rules are typically triggered when a new study enters an account. The different triggers of the gateway correspond to the various methods a study can be uploaded.

  • Apply rule when a study is harvested → When a study is uploaded through a gateway
  • Apply rule when a study is uploaded → When a study is uploaded using the web uploader
  • Apply rule when a study is shared → When a study is shared from elsewhere in Cimar
  • Allow rule to be run manually → Allows a routing rule to be manually triggered. Can be configured to only allow certain roles in the account to trigger the routing rule.
  • Studies that match this rule bypass approvalMust have conditions configured. Auto approves a study. Not applicable in the Nuffield Health account.
  • Disable Rule → Stop the rule from getting triggered.

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