Enabling an "approval" workflow

This guide will explain how to set a stop-point for studies so they require approval when entering an "Organisation", "Location" or "Group". 

Studies requiring approval will be held in the "Activity" queue. Here, amongst other options, they can be marked up, checked for quality, have reports attached, rejected or simply approved and pushed to their destination namespace.

Please note, some of the steps in this article require the administrator role. If you do not have the requisite permissions please talk to your account administrator for assistance.

This guide is split into 3 sections:

  1. Applying Approval
  2. The Activities Queue
  3. Bypassing approval

1. Applying approval

1. To apply study approval to your main Organisation, first click "Administration", then the "Settings"  tab. Close to the top of this new page you will see two checkbox options.

2. Depending on how you want to apply approval, select the relevant box(s) e.g., If you want to approve studies when they are "Uploaded", select the second option.

3. The same two options can be turned on/off for "Locations" & "Groups". You can apply them when creating a new namespace, or edit them at a later stage.

Remember to click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page to finalise your selection.

If you are unsure which option you need, remember. The upload option will trigger when using the "Web Upload Tool". The share option will trigger every time a study is "Shared" with the namespace.

Using a share-code URL is considered a "Shared" study by the role permissions even though the "Web Uploader" facilitates the transfer.

Approval on Harvest

Studies can also be set to require approval when "Harvested". This setting has to be configured by a Cimar cloud specialist. Please reach out to your representative or email support@cimar.co.uk for assistance with this.

2. The Activities Queue

1. Before you can approve a study you will need to apply the appropriate role permission. Navigate to the Roles tab and click the "Edit" button on the relevant role.

2. On the next page scroll down until you find the "Studies: Approve study" option. Ensure it is checked and save the page.

3. When approval settings have been turned on, any study that triggers the rule will appear in your "Activities" queue. there will be a number indicating how many items are awaiting approval next to the activities button.

4. Clicking the "Activities" button will show you a list of all studies you can "Approve", "Edit" or "Reject".

Approving a study will send it to the destination namespace.

Editing allows you to change a number of input fields including the patient name, accession number, MRN etc... Saving the edit will approve the study and send it to its destination namespace. 

If "study edit reason" is turned on for your account, making a change will require you to give a reason. It is possible to configure this further so a reason is required for every change made. Both of these options are updated using the API.

Reject will remove the study, and allow you to make a note of the reason why. It will then send the note back to the uploader so they can make any required changes and try again.

3. Bypassing Approval

1. It is possible to bypass approval with a "Routing Rule". If you are unsure how to apply routing rules, follow the guide How to create a routing

The rule you create will depend on the specific requirements of your workflow.

As as example, if you wish every study from a modality type (CT) to bypass approval you can configure a condition similar to below. 

If you are unsure how you wish to configure this rule please reach out to your Cimar representative or email support@cimar.co.uk.

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