Basic Navigation

bThis guide will will show you how to Navigate the Cimar platform, including how to switch between "Organisations" and " Namespaces" in which you have access, and applying "Advanced Search" filters.

This guide is separated into the following sections:

  1. The Cimar Platform
  2. Search Filters

The Cimar Platform

When you access the Cimar Platform you will be presented with a page similar to below. Depending on your user access you may see more or less options. This guide will focus on basic navigation so may not include options you have access to. 

  1. The tabs of the Cimar platform you have access to.
    • Depending on your user access you may see more or less options. 

  1. The organisation you are logged into.
    • If you have access to multiple Organisations this dropdown will allow you to select which one you are viewing.

  1. The username of your account (this link will take you to your account settings).

  1. The namespace you are currently viewing (commonly referred to as "buckets").
    • Organisation: The main "bucket" for the organisation
    • Location/Group: These are sub headers to separate "buckets".
      • Note: These names of these headers can change between organisations e.g., Practices / Imaging Providers 
    • User: This is your personal "bucket", depending on the workflow of your organisation this may not be used.

  1. The "search" and "advanced search" tool.
    • This is explained in the next section.

  1. The study header, clicking the arrows allow you to change the order studies are viewed in e.g., 
    • Alphabetically by name
    • Order of upload date
    • Order of study date, etc...

  1. How many items are visible on the current page.
  2. How to navigate to the next/previous page (when there are more items than are viewable).

You can make a Basic Search by typing the "Patient Name" into the search field. This field will ONLY filter by the name of the patient but will search for sub-strings (incomplete name fragments e.g., Esp will find Rosa Esposito, and any other name containing the string Esp)

To preform an " Advanced Search" select the "Advanced" dropdown, the resulting menu gives you more granular control and allows searches to be made using multiple filters.

Some frequently used " Advanced" filters include:

  • Starred
  • Modality
  • Uploaded Date
  • Study Stage

If you make the same search frequently you can also save your filters with the "Save" button.

A fast " Advanced" search can be made by clicking on one of the selectable elements within the study. This will filter by the selected element. 

Note: In order to return to the full list you will need to "Clear" the filter.

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