How to Change a Gateway's Storage Path
The storage path refers to the local file directory where DICOM (and/or other types) is stored. In all transitory functions, the gateway will use local storage for a specified minimum duration (default four hours).
There are several file paths that can be configured in the gateway settings. This article instructs users on how to set the 'storage' path, which is used for example during normal upload functioning.
It's easy to change a gateway's storage path. Read on to learn how.
Please note that you require administrator privileges in the account where the gateway is located.
- Sign into the platform using the usual URL you access the Cimar platform with. If you don't know the URL, use
- Navigate to Administration > Gateways
- Click 'Edit' on the appropriate gateway row
- Scroll to, or use your browsers 'find' functionality, to "storage_root_path"
- Paste the new file path, making sure to include the drive letter (e.g. C:, D: etc).
- Include \DicomGrid\Storage at the end of your new path.
- Scroll to the end of the page and click Save.