Using the CIMAR (Ambra) Mobile App

Please note the mobile viewer is NOT intended for diagnostic use.

The CIMAR mobile app is a helpful tool for quickly viewing and sharing studies while on the move.

This guide will walk through the steps required to access, configure & use the app. You will need to know the URL you use to access the CIMAR platform as well as your account credentials.

  1. Installing the App

The app is available on both Apple and Android devices by searching for "Ambra" in the respective store. Once found, install the app.

  1. Configuration (Required before first login)

Once downloaded, update the 'Host/Vanity' configuration through 'Settings' as shown below:

  • Host/Vanity - add the URL that you use to login to CIMAR e.g. ''
  • Enable the “Show Account Picker” (only required if you have access to multiple accounts)

  1. Signing In

Press the ← arrow to return to the home screen and input your user credentials, then select “Sign In”.

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