PHI Fix-up from Activities menu

This guide will follow the steps to use HL7 fix-up from the approval menu. This will allow you to import PID from a HL7 message and automatically replace the existing values on the study. This is a helpful workflow when uploading studies that lack DICOM meta data.

Note: A Cimar Cloud Specialist will need to configure your account before you can use this feature. Please talk with your representative or email to have it enabled.


  1. Ensure the Hl7 message you are pulling PID from is in the Hl7 Messages menu. 
  2. Enable study approval in the required namespace by navigating to "Administration" > "Group/Location" > "Edit" and select the approval method relevant to the workflow, then save.

    Follow this guide for a detailed tutorial on Enabling an "approval" workflow, including approval on harvest.

  3. Upload/Share the study into the namespace as defined by the approval method defined in step 2.
  4. When the Activities link notifies an action is required click the link to enter the Activities Queue.
  5. Click the “Find Order” button on the requisite study.
  6. From the dropdown menu choose how to search for the Hl7 message "Patient Name", "MRN" or "Accession". This has to match the value in the HL7 message.
  7. The text-box will auto-populate with with the PID value currently attached to the study. Change this value to match the value from the Hl7 message.
  8. Click the “Search” button, then click the “Apply” button on the correct result from the resulting dropdown menu.
  9. This will open the “Edit” menu and populate all PID fields on the study with Values from the Hl7. Manually alter any fields if required and click “Save and Approve” and the study will be moved from the approval queue to the destination NS. 
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