How to change worklist

The work list is where you view studies in the Cimar cloud. The work list page can be accessed by clicked the “Studies” option in the navigation bar.

The work list example below may look different depending on your role within your account

Sections of the work list
  1. Which work list you are currently viewing
  2. Search for study
  3. Toggle advanced search parameters
  4. Study record
  5. Patient related information
  6. Study related information
  7. View Image
  8. Edit study information
  9. Manually route study to another work list (Administrator only)
  10. Download study
  11. Message another user about study (not shown in screenshot)
  12. View any reports about study
  13. Current reporting status of study

How to change work list?

You may work across multiple sites in an account or have access to multiple groups. To access the studies relevant to each work list you will need to change the work list you are currently. 

Each work list is also known as a namespace
  1. Click the work list dropdown
  2. Select which work list you want to change into
If a study isn’t appearing in your work list when you expect it to, it is very likely you are actually viewing the wrong work list. By using the above steps to change into the correct work list you may be able to find the study you were looking for.
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